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Sunday, 8 November 2015

Redemption Run (and why the Bacchus Surrey Half Marathon is Ace)

There was a time, shortly after the marathon and lasting about four months, where I wasn't in a good place vis-à-vis exercise.

Redemption Run 1

Vestibular-Motivational Functional Cleavage, Post Traumatic Exertion Disorder, Runners Anxiety, Marathon Depression, call it what you will, but it was not a nice place to be. 

Redemption Run 2

Redemption Run 3

Redemption Run 4

Then the Dorney Lake 10k happened. The least said about that run the better. Maybe the above should be changed to, "I am not going running and you can't make me, unless I paid £40 for the privilege.”

The next race we had lined up was Regent's Park and we wagged which is the Aussie term for 'didn't go'. We went to Brighton instead. 

Redemption Run 5

Then it was time for the Bacchus Surrey Half Marathon. That one was £45 each, and my deeply ingrained Eastern European cheapness will not stand for such financial prodigality. A penny already spent but used in it's non-penny form is a penny earned. The non-penny form in this case being a scenic route, eight wine stops, lots of powergels and a celebratory hog roast to finish.

Redemption Run 6

Redemption Run 7

Redemption Run 8

Best. Sunday. Ever.  

Best run ever. Funnest run ever. I love you Bacchus Surrey Half Marathon! You have restored my faith in running. Because running isboring. Running is shit. But when you have wine, chocolate, Powerade, energy gel things that feel like whale fat in your mouth but make the run ridiculously easy, Haribo, biscuits, fruit, bubbly, hog roast and He-Man and Fred Flintstone and Giant Grapes cheering you on, how can one fail to have fun?

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