I was accident prone as a kid, especially cuts and scrapes on my knees. Every time I tripped and grazed my legs on the pavement, or fell off the fence, or got to close to our feral cat Cleopatra, I’d end up with a bloody knee.
It was always a dramatic scene when this happened.
![Blow on it 1_thumb[2] Blow on it 1_thumb[2]](//lh4.ggpht.com/-AUsnEyrlsyc/U9kfMdm9h-I/AAAAAAAAAeM/A3bFsFCCyRY/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525201_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
My parents played along and acted suitably shocked and scared for my life.
![Blow on it 2_thumb[2] Blow on it 2_thumb[2]](//lh6.ggpht.com/-UrIQPr8C5SQ/U9kfN-vVJPI/AAAAAAAAAeg/nVCXh1248yM/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525202_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
![Blow on it 3_thumb[2] Blow on it 3_thumb[2]](//lh3.ggpht.com/-KEuA-qaaTD8/U9kfPHTh-tI/AAAAAAAAAew/iwahK-GorWI/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525203_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
Dad was best at acting concerned, even if it was the teenest tiniest most pathetic scrape. But Mum was the best comforter.
![Blow on it 4_thumb[2] Blow on it 4_thumb[2]](//lh3.ggpht.com/-mwmeROzfxeY/U9kfQluvJZI/AAAAAAAAAe8/BgYNXjs5b14/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525204_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
At this point I was convinced the pain would never go away, and the world was ending.
![Blow on it 5_thumb[2] Blow on it 5_thumb[2]](//lh6.ggpht.com/-qqy57FMMQO0/U9kfR57NnqI/AAAAAAAAAfM/JTi3zh0pipc/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525205_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
After some reassuring Mum-words, I would start feeling like things might be okay.
![Blow on it 6_thumb[2] Blow on it 6_thumb[2]](//lh3.ggpht.com/-nY9kiVDKUqc/U9kfS5RyhOI/AAAAAAAAAfg/-XutOi0tBZM/Blow-on-it-6_thumb2_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
Once she blew on the cut and the stinging went away, I knew everything would be okay.
![Blow on it 7_thumb[2] Blow on it 7_thumb[2]](//lh5.ggpht.com/-RK9N8JGAB3o/U9kfUF3v_kI/AAAAAAAAAfw/T-AjDBPz07E/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525207_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
![Blow on it 8_thumb[2] Blow on it 8_thumb[2]](//lh6.ggpht.com/-73VPJETLcMU/U9kfVfcTKAI/AAAAAAAAAf8/EBFy_-TbRjQ/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525208_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
But then I turned 5 and I went to school. There, I wasn’t the beloved only child anymore. There I was one of thirty snotty nosed, noisy brats. And our teacher hated us.
One day I cut myself playing hopscotch in school.

I didn’t know what to do, so I went up to thebitch Prep teacher. She gave me her usual expression of bored indifference.

I said the only thing I thought might glean some sympathy.

I wasn’t convinced, and I knew one thing: Blowing on wounds made the pain go away.

That upset me. First this bitch teased me because I only spoke Polish when I first started, then she doesn’t let me eat my food whenever I want (“food is only for recess and lunch, not during class”), then she tells me I’m not allowed to eat the Playdough, now she’s insulting my champion Mum. I was ready to rumble at this point. You wanna dance, bitch? Let’s dance.

The story ends with me storming off to the nurses office, in an absolute 5-year-old tantrum huff.

But revenge is a dish best served cold. 25 years later I’ve blogged about it. Take that, teacher-person whose name I can’t remember.
It was always a dramatic scene when this happened.
![Blow on it 1_thumb[2] Blow on it 1_thumb[2]](http://lh4.ggpht.com/-AUsnEyrlsyc/U9kfMdm9h-I/AAAAAAAAAeM/A3bFsFCCyRY/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525201_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
My parents played along and acted suitably shocked and scared for my life.
![Blow on it 2_thumb[2] Blow on it 2_thumb[2]](http://lh6.ggpht.com/-UrIQPr8C5SQ/U9kfN-vVJPI/AAAAAAAAAeg/nVCXh1248yM/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525202_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
![Blow on it 3_thumb[2] Blow on it 3_thumb[2]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-KEuA-qaaTD8/U9kfPHTh-tI/AAAAAAAAAew/iwahK-GorWI/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525203_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
Dad was best at acting concerned, even if it was the teenest tiniest most pathetic scrape. But Mum was the best comforter.
![Blow on it 4_thumb[2] Blow on it 4_thumb[2]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-mwmeROzfxeY/U9kfQluvJZI/AAAAAAAAAe8/BgYNXjs5b14/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525204_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
At this point I was convinced the pain would never go away, and the world was ending.
![Blow on it 5_thumb[2] Blow on it 5_thumb[2]](http://lh6.ggpht.com/-qqy57FMMQO0/U9kfR57NnqI/AAAAAAAAAfM/JTi3zh0pipc/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525205_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
After some reassuring Mum-words, I would start feeling like things might be okay.
![Blow on it 6_thumb[2] Blow on it 6_thumb[2]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-nY9kiVDKUqc/U9kfS5RyhOI/AAAAAAAAAfg/-XutOi0tBZM/Blow-on-it-6_thumb2_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
Once she blew on the cut and the stinging went away, I knew everything would be okay.
![Blow on it 7_thumb[2] Blow on it 7_thumb[2]](http://lh5.ggpht.com/-RK9N8JGAB3o/U9kfUF3v_kI/AAAAAAAAAfw/T-AjDBPz07E/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525207_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
![Blow on it 8_thumb[2] Blow on it 8_thumb[2]](http://lh6.ggpht.com/-73VPJETLcMU/U9kfVfcTKAI/AAAAAAAAAf8/EBFy_-TbRjQ/Blow%252520on%252520it%2525208_thumb%25255B2%25255D_thumb.png?imgmax=800)
But then I turned 5 and I went to school. There, I wasn’t the beloved only child anymore. There I was one of thirty snotty nosed, noisy brats. And our teacher hated us.
One day I cut myself playing hopscotch in school.

I didn’t know what to do, so I went up to the

I said the only thing I thought might glean some sympathy.

I wasn’t convinced, and I knew one thing: Blowing on wounds made the pain go away.

That upset me. First this bitch teased me because I only spoke Polish when I first started, then she doesn’t let me eat my food whenever I want (“food is only for recess and lunch, not during class”), then she tells me I’m not allowed to eat the Playdough, now she’s insulting my champion Mum. I was ready to rumble at this point. You wanna dance, bitch? Let’s dance.

The story ends with me storming off to the nurses office, in an absolute 5-year-old tantrum huff.

But revenge is a dish best served cold. 25 years later I’ve blogged about it. Take that, teacher-person whose name I can’t remember.
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