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Sunday, 8 November 2015

Buzzword Journey

I'm not a fan of buzzwords, or worse, people who think buzztalk makes them sound clever and superior to others. The types of people who call an inspection, "A physical investigation of a workplace with the aim of identifying hazards and the use and effectiveness of control measures".

You know what I call an inspection? Walking around, with your eyes open, looking for stuff that needs to be improved.

So I guess you could say I'm on Team Einstein - if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Also, you can't bullshit a bullshitter. I possibly read way too many Dickens and Hardy and Tolkien novels growing up, but I have a verbosity hangover the likes of which is entirely unwelcome to someone on Team Einstein.

I can't do much about overly-complicated, nonsensical explanations, descriptions and sentences floating about the professional stratosphere, but I can do something about buzzwords.

I have begun a 'Buzzword Journey', to attempt to make me smile instead of cringe when these nuggets sprout up around my delicate person.

So, here it goes!

Buzzwords 1

Buzzwords 2

Buzzwords 3

Buzzwords 4

Buzzwords 5

Buzzwords 6

Buzzwords 7

Buzzwords 8

Buzzwords 9

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